
For this trick, you need be able to catch several feet of air.

For this trick, you need be able to catch several feet of air. Pump really hard on the ramp so you can get the biggest air possible. As you leave the ramp behind, let your feet rise above your head. As you feel yourself go upside down (or the half-pipe comes back into your vision), look up/tilt your head back. This will get your rotating the rest of the flip, and if things really go badly you will land on your knees or skates and not on your head. Remember, in just about every tricks the head leads where the body goes.

As you get back vertical again (skates down), bring your knees up to your chest. This will put your skates at the right angle to meet the ramp. If you have to bail out, this is the moment to do it, as you can land on your knee-pads and not damage anything. It does take a couple of tries to land this move, but don't lose faith. If this doesn't get your stuff going, nothing will!

Skate photos of Backflip